Urban photography on this page provided by Calum Turner, @astropocrapha

Want to dive deeper into your practice, but can’t or don’t want to travel? No problem! Join a day-long urban retreat in Amsterdam, and be home in time for dinner!


PAST Dates

Our new venue at De Randwijcklaan, next to the Amsterdamse Bos!

Saturday 15 April 10.00 - 17.30

Maxmium 9 students

Includes: Two 2.5 - 3 hour long yoga practices, all yoga equipment, arrival pre-practice snack, lunch, departure snack and drinks.


140€ full price

40€ accessibility price *

Prices include BTW!

Retreat Schedule

10.00 - 10.30 Arrivals & pre-practice snack & drink

10.30 - 13.30 Active yoga practice - vinyasa & workshopping

13.30 - 14.45 Lunch & time for questions or a walk in the Amsterdamse Bos

14.45 - 17.15 Passive yoga practice - very gentle vinyasa & yin

17.15 - 17.30 Departures & post-practice snack & drink (alcoholic & non-alcoholic available)

* There is one reduced-price spot available at 40€ for the day, which I’ve made available because I truly want yoga to be accessible. The spot is intended for someone who cannot manage the full price. No questions asked, you don’t need to explain your finances to me, just please be honest and leave this spot for someone who genuinely needs it.

Extra Information:

  • Mats and props will be provided by me (mats, blocks, straps & hand towels). If you feel more comfortable bringing your own mat and/ or props, or if you want a yoga cushion, blacket etc, please feel free to bring them.

  • There will only be 9 participants max, so you will get lots of attention and opportunities to ask questions!

  • The urban retreats are suitable for all yoga students with some experience, including pregnant and postpartum students. You do not need to be super fit or interested in doing very physically intense poses, although that option will be given. Attendees who want to be pushed physically will be, students who want to take it more easily can as well. Some experience is helpful so that you can get the most out of your day. If you’re a total beginner to yoga but really want to join, get in touch and we can work out if you’d enjoy the day.

  • FOOD:

    • An arrival snack and drink, lunch, and afternoon snack and drink will be provided.

    • All food will be prepared by me (Eleanor) and I will wear a mask throughout all food preparation.

    • The food will be vegan, no animal products will be used in food preparation. However, not all of the ingredients will have the official vegan trademark, as I use a fairly small supplier that focuses on locally available produce. Please let me know if you only eat food that carries the vegan trademark.

    • For more information, see the ingredients website.


    • Unless guidelines changes, the 1.5 metre rule will not be in place for these retreats.

    • However, you will still have plenty of space, with ~1 metre between the mats.

    • You have the option to receive hands-on adjustment, but these are always entirely optional!