Photography on this page provided by Abi Ponce Hardy

A workshop offers you the chance to delve deeper into your practice than in a regular yoga class.


Upcoming Workshops

No workshops are currently scheduled.

Workshops Previously offered

These are workshops which I have taught in the past. Do you want to arrange a workshop for yourself and a group of friends or colleagues? Just let me know.

SPecial Event | virtual 108 Sun Salutations

108 Sun Salutations is just what it sounds like - a yoga practice where you do 108 Sun Salutations!

If you’d like to read more about the 108 Sun Salutations, check out my post on the stories page, or click the button ‘Why 108 Sun Salutations?’ below.

Are you worried that doing 108 repetitions of the same thing will be dull? Well, I cannot promise that a little bit of ennui won’t creep in, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing! Also, we will not do 108 uninterrupted Sun Salutations. After each round of 20, we will take a break and change the style of Salutation, finishing with a final round of 8.

Booking is open!

BACK TO BASICS | Learn or Refresh the Building Blocks of Your Practice

Please note that this workshop will definitely take place, either in person or online.


Have you ever felt that you are not really clear on what the teacher is asking you to do? Maybe you do not recognize a posture's name, a sequence moves too quickly, or you aren't sure how to adapt a posture to your body. This workshop will give you the foundation to get more out of a range of different yoga classes.


Starting with the absolute basics (how to sit and lie comfortably), we will move through a vinyasa practice, taking time to break down common postures and vinyasa sequences. We will play with different variations so that you can find options that suit your body, so you aren't forced to resort to skipping entire sequences in child's pose! We will finish with a couple of relaxing yin postures and a long savasana (with options, of course).


It can be difficult to find the time to develop foundational techniques in group classes. With the longer, freer-form workshop structure, you'll have time to experiment, discuss, ask questions and learn.


This workshop is suitable for complete beginners, or more experienced practitioners who would like to refresh and refine their understanding of common postures and sequences.

You must book via Yagoy’s website. The booking button takes you to Yagoy’s workshops webpage. Just scroll to find my workshop and click ‘sign up’! You will need to make an account with Yagoy in order to book, which is free and takes less than a minute.

  • To the Extremities:

    A workshop focusing on the hands/ wrists, feet/ ankles, neck/ head in relation to improving their health and your practice overall.

  • Stretch Yourself:

    A workshop focusing on stretching techniques, and experiencing the difference between active, passive and facilitated stretching.

A workshop offers the chance to delve deeper into techniques. These workshops are not currently on offer at any studios, but with enough interest they can be arranged for private groups.

A workshop offers the chance to delve deeper into techniques. These workshops are not currently on offer at any studios, but with enough interest they can be arranged for private groups.

These workshops may go on to be offered at studios in Amsterdam, or I can offer them at guest studios or with large enough private groups.

These workshops may go on to be offered at studios in Amsterdam, or I can offer them at guest studios or with large enough private groups.

Workshops In Development

These are workshops which I am developing. Do you want to arrange a workshop for yourself and a group of friends or colleagues? Just let me know.

  • The Floating Limb:

    How do the shoulder and arm connect to our body? A workshop focusing on learning to safely rotate, open and engage the shoulder, upper back, chest & arm.

  • Rotations and Spirals:

    A workshop focusing on learning to understand the rotations of our joints, and how we can manipulate and activate those rotations to deepen postures and make them more comfortable.

  • Open Up and Ground Down Through Backbending

    Drop backs, or dropping back and standing back up from the back bend urdhva dhanurasana (upward facing bow) are a challenging and dynamic practice. Building up towards drop backs offers a lot of opportunity to develop strength and flexibility, whilst overcoming a lot of fear by using your breath and getting to know your body better.